Showing 1 - 25 of 870 Results
The library companion (v. 2) by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9780217392563 List Price: $13.98
Bibliotheca Spenceriana : A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books Printed in the Fifteenth Cent... by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781108051071 List Price: $34.99
Bibliomania by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, Da... ISBN: 9781904799016 List Price: $45.00
Reminiscences of a Literary Life (Cambridge Library Collection - Printing and Publishing His... by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781108009331 List Price: $43.00
Reminiscences of a Literary Life (Cambridge Library Collection - Printing and Publishing His... by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781108009348 List Price: $32.99
The Library Companion: or The Young Man's Guide by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781113795496 List Price: $22.99
The Library Companion: or The Young Man's Guide by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781113795540 List Price: $33.99
The Library Companion: or The Young Man's Guide by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781113795526 List Price: $31.99
An Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin classi... by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781115168915 List Price: $37.99
A bibliographical, antiquarian and picturesque tour in France and Germany by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781177744331 List Price: $36.75
Thomas Frognall Dibdin: Selections (Great Bibliographers) by Thomas Frognall Dibdin, Vic... ISBN: 9780810810778 List Price: $19.50
A bibliographical, antiquarian, and picturesque tour in France and Germany by Thomas Frognall Dibdin ISBN: 9781172858071 List Price: $28.75
The library companion: or the young man's guide, and the old man's comfort, in the choice of... by Thomas Frognall Dibdin ISBN: 9781172886128 List Price: $40.75
Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spencerian : Or A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books Printed i... by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781169321632 List Price: $36.76
Lettre Au Directeur de L'artiste Touchant le Manuscrit de la Biblioth�que de Berne No 354 ... by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, Ju... ISBN: 9781173277352 List Price: $15.75
Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781174333378 List Price: $56.75
Library Companion; or, the Young Man's Guide, and the Old Man's Comfort, in the Choice of a ... by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781174291760 List Price: $63.75
Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781175063465 List Price: $45.75
Sunday Library; or, the Protestant's Manual for the Sabbath-Day; Being a Selection of Sermon... by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781171884545 List Price: $32.75
Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781172047086 List Price: $38.75
Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781172239818 List Price: $39.75
Sunday Library, or, the Protestant's Manual for the Sabbath-Day : Being a selection of Sermo... by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781172292646 List Price: $34.75
Lettre Trentieme Concernant L'Imprimerie et la Librairie de Paris by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, Cr... ISBN: 9781168340535 List Price: $15.16
Sunday Library, or, the Protestant's Manual for the Sabbath-Day : Being a selection of Sermo... by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781177017206 List Price: $32.75
Sunday Library; or, the Protestant's Manual for the Sabbath-Day; Being a Selection of Sermon... by Dibdin, Thomas Frognall ISBN: 9781177017695 List Price: $33.75
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